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we are currently using an Epson R1800 printer for DTF prints but the maintenance (as it is a personal desktop printer) just isn't great for the volume we are printing. We are facing the 'red blinking light of death' over and over and fixing is always a pain due to the small size and lack of proper maintenance tools beside the adjustment tools.

We are currently considering either switching to the Epson 4880 or 7880 as we are using a couple of larger Epson printers and those are all great to maintenance and very reliable.

What we would require though is an option to roll print on DTF film using the 4880 oder 7880. I noticed that Acrorip 10 is supposed to fix the roll printing issue present in version 9 (roll printing not working with white layers).

Hence my question, would we be able to use DTF roll film with Acrorip 1ß and either the Epson 4880 oder 7880?


by (120 points)

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